Did You Learn??


The students certainly need “How to know the good learning”. Because if did not, may be learning that you do every time made your brain very confuse. Many things that are necessary for you so you must pay attention to them. For example, the way to learn, what things that you must learn, when you learn, and what the advantages of learning. And it is some tips of the way to learn, what things that you must learn, when you learn, and what the advantages of learning.

The Way to Learn

·         Firstly, concentration and focus.
It is mean that you must take your concentration on your thinking and focus on your target (learning).
·         Secondly, learning needs enough energy.
Brain needs the supply of energy very much each you learn. So, don’t spend your all energy.
·         Thirdly, diligent and continue.
When you learn, not only if you have some examination or homework or assignment. So, you must learn little by little and continue every time, it is better than you learn more but just one day.

What Things that You Must Learn

·         Firstly, learn anything.
If you learn don’t choose what you will learn, because learning similar with assembles some gun. If you assemble many guns, you will already to go to a great war. So, if you learned very much and hardly you will already presence the examination etc. 
·         Secondly, learn what are things that you need and what are things that you like.
 If the examination of Indonesian language is tomorrow, so, you must learn it and if you like it, so, learn it.

When You Learn

You can learn every time and everywhere, for example, when you are in car and when you eat etc. you must spend your time effectively and don’t waste your time to things that disadvantage for you.

What are the Advantages of Learning

Find the advantages of learning, may be it can flame your fight. Believe that the things that you learned now can use in future. Use it effectively, if the time comes and you need it, so, you can use it.

conclusion, I want to say that if there are many things that can make you easily to learn, like you must pay your attention at the way to learn, what things that you must learn, when you learn, and what the advantages of learning. But it's all depends on you. If there are many ways to make learning be easily but you do not care about it. It just spends your times. so, use your time for useful activities because times is money.
